Program / Poster Session.

Poster boards will be located in the Auditorium foyer and will be numbered with the corresponding abstract ID.
Maximum board size will be DIN A-0 (height: 1190 X width: 840 millimiters).

Session 1: PM Consolidation

This session has NO assigned poster

Session 2: TiAl 

800*. The Effect of Container on the Microstructure and Properties of Powder Metallurgy TiAl alloys.
Jie Wu (Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Z. Lu, L. Xu, D. Liu, R. Yang

810*. Preparation and properties of Ti-47Al-2Cr-2Nb-0.15B alloy by powder metallurgy route.
Xu Lei (Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences), J. Wu, Y. Cui, R. Yang

820*. Powder densification process analysis of γ-TiAl alloys through hot isostatic pressing.
Lu Zhengguan (Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences), J. Wu, L. Xu, R. Yang

940*. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of ti-43al-9v-y Alloy Prepared by Hot Isostatic Pressing.
Fan Tao Kong (Harbin Institute of Technology)

1070*. Mechanical Alloying process of Ti-Al powders through milling and additive manufacturing.
Ainhoa Riquelme (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos), V. Bonache, P. Rodrigo

1320*. Characterization and Thermal Treatment of γ-TiAl Intermetallic Alloy for Enhanced Microstructural Properties.
Berta Ruiz Palenzuela (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), I. Sabirov, E. M. Ruiz-Navas

Session 3: AM deposition techniques (directed energy deposition, material deposition)

1370*. Optimizing Titanium-Boron Carbide Composites for Aerospace Manufacturing Via Plasma Metal Deposition.
Cristina M. Arévalo (Universidad de Sevilla), Eva Maria Perez Soriano, Michael Kitzmantel, Isabel Montealegre-Meléndez

Session 4: Powder-bed Additive Manufacturing – I

340*. Investigating Ti6Al4V Spreadability on Powder Bed Fusion: A Comparative Analysis of Single and Multi-Layer Approaches.
Seyed Masoud Ashrafizadeh (McGill University), R. Pelletier, M. Habibnejad-Korayem, Louis-Philippe Lefebvre, S. Yue

350*. Sandwich Structure of Ti-5553 and Ti-42nb Prepared by Laser Powder Bed Fusion.
F. K. Martins (Universidad Campinas), J. F. Queiroz Rodrigues, R. J. Contieri, J. Soyama, Rubens Caram 

840*. Laser Powder Bed Fusion Manufacturing of Graded Ti-nb Alloys: Microstructural and Mechanical Properties for Biomedical Applications.
Lucas Acien Ruiz Leão (Universidad Campinas), M. C. Sangali, J. F. Q. Rodrigues, G. V. Prandi, M. Valentim, L. S. Silva, L. F. Starck, R. Caram, R. J. Contieri

1030*. Tailored Titanium Mechanical Metamaterials via Additive Manufacturing.
He Lin (Hangzhou City University)

1240*. Investigating Multimaterial Lattices Fabricated via Laser Powder Bed Fusion Using a Reinforcement Layer Strategy.
M. Valentim (Universidad Campinas), J. F. Q. Rodrigues, G. V. Prandi, M. C. Sangali, R. Caram

Session 6: Powder-bed Additive Manufacturing – II

570*. Effects of Thermal Induced Porosity on High-Cycle Fatigue Behaviors of Selective Laser Melted Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Alloy.
Li Ruochen (Institute of Metal Research), Yifeng YIN, Zhengguan LU, Lei XU

Session 7: MIM + Sinter-based AM.

260*. Processing of a Beta Titanium Alloy by Metal Injection Molding (MIM). 
Vinicius Henriques (Força Aerea Brasileira), R.O.P. Lima, J.G.J. Salvo, A.M. Gama, M.H. Lapena

560*. Additive Manufacturing and Hot Isostatic Pressing Formability Contrast of TC4 Alloy.
Yifeng Yin (Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences), LI Ruochen, LU Zhengguan, WU Jie, XU Lei

670*. Enhancing Sintering Performance of Ti-6Al-4V through Phenomenological Simulation and Predeformation.
Tim Marter (Element22)

870*. Innovative Thermal Approach for Consolidation of AM-MEX Ti64-based Components Using Sustainable Colloidal Feedstock.
Caterina Chirico (ICV), A.J. Sanchez-Herencia, B. Ferrari

1100*. Fabrication and Properties of Extrusion-based 3D printing of Ti-6Al-4V Alloys.
Yongjun Su (Lishui University), J. Villemur, E.M. Ruiz-Navas, E. Gordo

Sesion 9: TiMComposites.

270*. Ti-35nb-tic Metal Matrix Composites.
V. Henriques (Força Aerea Brasileira), R.O.P. Lima, J.G.J. Salvo, A.M. Gama, M.H. Lapena

430*. Microstructure Design and Mechanical Behaviors of Dual-scale Tib Whisker Reinforced Ti64 Composites.
Wenqi Liu (Harbin Institute of Technology), S. Wang, L. Huang

490 *. Synthesis Mechanism and Mechanical Properties of Pelleted Hetero-Structure Titanium Matrix Composites via Interdiffusion and Self-Organization Strategy Based on Powder Metallurgy.
Lei Liu, Shufeng Li, Shaolong Li (Xi’an University of Technology).

Session 10: Microstructural development.

1180*. Evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties of powder metallurgy TC18 prepared by hot isostatic pressing.
Chang Tao (Xi’an), A.Li, Y.Liu, Q.S.Wang, Z.H.Qu

Session 11: Applications.

860*. Obtention of Functionally Graded Ti-13nb-(10-x)zr-xfe Biomedical Alloy Through Additive Manufacturing. 
G. V. Prandi (Universidad Campinas), J. F. Q. Rodrigues, L. S. Silva, L. F. Starck, M. Sangali, M. Valentim, R. Caram

880*. Assessment of Microstructural Homogeneity and Composition Gradients in SLM-Manufactured Ti-30Nb-4Sn Alloy for Biomedical Applications.
M. Sangali (Universidad Campinas), J. F. Q. Rodrigues, L. F. Starck,  G. V. Prandi, M. Valentim, L. S. Silva, R. Caram

1280*. Fabrication of porous titanium scaffolds with enhanced biofunctional behaviour by combining stereolithography tecnique and infiltration of composite biopolymers with osteoinductive and bacterial properties.
M. Vozarova (RHP-Technology), L. Vály, I. Montealegre-Melendez, Cristina Mª Arévalo, Eva Mª Pérez-Soriano, E. J. Delgado-Pujol, A. Alcudia, Y. Torres, M. Kitzmantel, E. Neubauer

1470*.  Opportunities for the Development and Application of Powder Metallurgy in Enhanced Performance Ion Exchange Electrolysers for Green H2.
A. Illana (water2kw), J. Villemur (UC3M), C. Romero (URJC), E. M. Ruiz-Navas (UC3M), E. Gordo (UC3M), B. Torres (URJC), J. Rams (URJC), L. Fraga  (water2kw), J. Suárez  (water2kw)